This was such an easy assignment for me. I met Faith & Hope last October at their big sister's wedding in east Tennessee. I met my husband at that wedding and he is their first cousin. Now we're all family!! Its funny how my wedding clients went from clients to family members. I think I owe them a refund!! LOL
Faith and Hope are recent graduates of SVHS, where they ranked #1 and #2 in their class! I soon realized that the twins & I had something in common (aside from being a twin myself). We LOVE shoes! Their sessions were literally like playing dress-up. It was so much fun choosing their clothes, accessories, of and course shoes. Oh, and I wear the same size which is great b/c they have some hot heels! ;)

Honestly, they're probably the most photogenic subjects I've ever photographed. We had such a good time at the studio and around Pikeville playing with different colors and funky walls/scenic backdrops in the city.

Thanks Kathy for being my #1 lip gloss technician and professional reflector holder!

We're so proud of you girls and hope you have a great freshman year at U.K.
Good Luck!!

Faith looked so good with this blue garage door. I love this shot.

This is my favorite image of Hope. I love the urban feel. She looks like a model!